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Can Out-of-Pocket PRP Injections Fight Free Surgery?

Published: 06/18/2015
Can Out-of-Pocket PRP Injections Fight Free Surgery?

Right now, as you’re reading this, about 100 million people here in the United States are in chronic pain. A large number of them attributed to orthopedic conditions, including osteoarthritis and ligament injuries. And pain management being expensive, it not only chokes the patient’s wallet but can also cause serious emotional problems.

Surgery is one of the most common path taken. But more and more people are taking up Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections as a nonsurgical, natural alternative. One of the reasons why patients choose surgery over PRP is because the former is covered by their insurance.

Free Surgeries Are More Expensive Than Out-of-Pocket PRP Injections


Free Surgeries Are More Expensive Than Out-of-Pocket PRP Injections

First of all, never consider a surgical procedure without getting at-least a few second opinion from professional sources. Because often, surgery can be avoided with alternative treatments. And if you do choose surgery, take into consideration the other non-monetary factors like downtime, long term side effects, and infection to name a few. For these reasons, a “free surgery” can often be much more expensive than a paid PRP Injection.

Take for example, meniscus issues, especially tears, in the knee. PRP has responded well to peripheral tears and unquestionably justify it’s out-of-pocket expense. PRP even gives, in this situation, a better healing experience in the long run.

PRP Injections may not have all the proof it needs to be awarded the accolades it deserves. But nevertheless, it’s on it’s path to saving thousands of people’s misery. Already it’s proven in hundreds of thousands of cases to be effective in reducing pain, improving joint function and possibly slow, halt or even repair damage to cartilage.

It’s only a matter of time before PRP becomes the ultimate healing procedure. If you’re a patient, make sure your doctor knows enough about PRP treatments in order to assess its viability. If you’re a physician, have you started offering your customers PRP treatments?

To learn how to prepare Platelet-Rich Plasma using Dr.PRP Kit, click here to watch video.