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PRP Injection For Plantar Fasciitis: The Ultimate Guide [Infographic]

Published: 07/23/2015
PRP Injection For Plantar Fasciitis: The Ultimate Guide [Infographic]

Plantar Fasciitis, also known as jogger’s heel, affects about 3 million people in the US every year. It’s one of the most common causes for foot pain and affects the plantar fascia — the thick band of tissue that connects the bottom of your heel to your toes.

Runners are the most affected. It can put a complete stop to your running practice but the more you restrict your movement by avoiding running and walking in a certain way, the faster it seems to worsen. Instead, treating the source of the pain at the earliest is the wise choice.

Precaution: One of the best precautions runners can take to avoid plantar fasciitis is to always use shoes that offer adequate support for the arch of your feet. So you don’t put too much strain on the plantar fascia.

A variety of treatments are available and most of the time patients are able to self-treat it in their home. Stretching, medications to reduce pain and inflammation like NSAIDS, massages, cortisone injections and even ultrasonic cleansing are popular treatments.

But what’s showing particularly effective is PRP Treatments.

PRP Injection For Plantar Fasciitis

PRP treatment is straight-forward, simple and effective. Plus the effects are found to be lasting for more than a year according to preliminary studies. And as it involves using your own blood for healing, there’s no risk of side effects. The reason why it works well for plantar fasciitis is that ligaments like the plantar fascia usually only have a limited amount of blood supply at their disposal. So when you inject PRP into the ligament, it gets a month’s worth of “blood nutrient” supply in a day. And that causes fast healing.

Here’s the procedure: PRP Injection for Plantar Fasciitis

  1. Draw blood from your arm just like a regular blood test and spin it in a centrifuge (there’s a set protocol to follow) to extract PRP.
  2. Once you’ve got the PRP, it can be directly injected into the plantar fascia with the help of Ultrasonic imagery.
  3. Final step is to practice limited movements for two weeks. This can be done using CAM (Controlled Ankle Movement) shoes.

Many patients are pure surprised by the relief they experience after PRP Injection. It’s so amazing.

Here’s a quick infographic with all the details that you can download.

PRP Injection For Plantar Fasciitis: The Ultimate Guide [Infographic]